If you’re dealing with dry eyes, you might be experiencing some stinging and gritty sensation, as well as seeing some redness on the eyes. This condition is due to the lack of sufficient tears to coat your eyes and can either be temporary or chronic. Dry eyes can cause a wide range of other problems if left untreated, ranging from blurred vision to infections.
The good thing is, you can relieve this condition. While there are various remedies you can do to fix this problem, the best solution is one that prevents it from happening in the first place.
In this article, we’ll point out the causes of dry eye and how you can address them:
1. Medicines
Certain medications can reduce tear production, which can lead to or worsen the symptoms of chronic dry eye. These medications can include beta-blockers, antidepressants, antihistamines, and so on.
If you experience dry eye around the same time you started medication, consult with your doctor. If the medicines are causing it, you may be given a new drug or be asked to pair your medication intake with the use of artificial tears to keep your eyes moist for the duration of the treatment.
2. Age
As you get older, chronic dry eyes tend to become more and more common. That’s because tear production in the glands of the eye starts to become lesser. While you might not have any power over how much tears your eyes are producing, what you can do to counteract this problem is by using eye drops to keep your eyes moist.
3. Screen Time
People who stare at screens for long periods of time can experience dry eyes. If you have this problem when working on your computer, that’s because you tend not to blink as often. This causes the eye to dry out.
A simple solution to this problem is just to blink more often while you use the computer. This keeps the eyes well lubricated. You’ll also need to take breaks, preferably once every 20 minutes. Your break should consist of looking at something else that isn’t a screen and blinking often. If no amount of blinking is helping, use eye drops, as well.
4. Wind
In colder climates, especially windy ones, the tears that coat the eye can dry up faster than the glands can produce tears. To keep your eyes moist in a situation like this, wear eyewear, such as a pair of sunglasses. If you can, eyewear like goggles would be perfect, as that would keep any wind from reaching your eyes and keeping the cold out as well. If the eyes are still going dry, use eye drops.
Last Thoughts
While the above factors can cause you to have dry eyes, there are plenty more that do, such as wearing contact lenses or exposing your eyes to smoke. While the condition can be temporary, this doesn’t mean that you should leave your eyes to heal on their own.
Try your best to keep your eyes moist, whether that’s to blink often, use eye drops, or wear eye protection in specific environments. That way, not only do you keep your eyes feeling nice and moist, but you also avoid the risk of further complications.
If you’re looking for dry eye treatment, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.