Neilson Eyecare





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Diagnostic tests include but aren’t limited to: Tear Break Up Time, Tear Volume, Meibography, Fluorescein staining, anterior eye photography, Jones II test, OSDI symptom questionnaire, skin type assessment and Anterior eye examination.

Our dry eye treatments include a combination of eye drops including:
– Systane Complete or Balance– artificial tear drop that contains an oil substance.
– Optimel drops or gel – Manuka honey reduces inflammation that is often associated with dry eye.
– Lubricating eye drops: Systane Ultra or Hylo-forte artificial tear drops that hydrate the eye.
– Allergy drops: Zaditen antihistamine eye drops, over the counter from the chemist for hayfever or allergies causing itchy eyes.
– Gel or ointment: Systane Gel or Vitapos: use before bed, especially good for severe dry eye or incomplete lid closure.
– Anti-inflammatory/Steroid drops:to reduce discomfort/inflammation.

In House & at Home Treatments:

In some people dry eyes are due to or made worse by dysfunctioning meibomian, in such patients, IPL technology is now available which involves the use of Intense Pulsed Light to warm the oil glands, target abnormal blood vessels that are implicated in the inflammatory response, reduce demodex mites, bacterial load & improve gland function. Each treatment takes about 15-30 minutes. Blephasteam eyelid warming treatment is also useful. A specialised warm goggle is worn to help warm the oil glands. Most patients see an improvement in their symptoms after 4 treatments plus maintenance treatments will be needed. These treatments are done on the premises and can be supplemented with take home warm compresses,. Warm compresses with the Eye Doctor Mask involves heating in the microwave for 10-20 seconds and used for 10-15 minutes in the comfort the home, then gently massage upper and lower eyelids.

Lid foams & cleansers including: Blephadex, Oust or lid wipes may be necessary.

Sleep masks with moisture chambers.

Lifestyle, make-up & medication discussions, in particular diet, may also impact on the quality of the tear film. To reduce the severity of dry eyes, we can modify our diet to increase consumption of omega-3, we stock Lacritec supplements.


Open Hours

Monday:8:30 am - 5:30 pm 

Tuesday:8:30 am - 5:30 pm 

Wednesday: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm 

Thursday:8:30 am - 7:00 am 

Friday:8:30 am - 5:30 pm 

Saturday:8:30 am - 12:00 pm 


7 Tips to Sooth Dry Eyes

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FAST natural relief from dry eye syndrome (PDF).

Expert Advice

"In my opinion, they're the best tips I have ever read" - Josie M.

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