Contact Information
Address: 1675 Aurora Court, Aurora, Colorado 80045, United States
About Us
At the University of Colorado, we have an academically prestigious ocular surface disease and dry eye clinic featuring comprehensive diagnostics, highly trained technicians, knowledgable and skilled practitioners, and cutting-edge technology.
We offer meibography, Lipiscan, TearLab, Schirmers testing, lissamine green and sodium fluorescein dye testing, and the SPEED and DEQ5 surveys.
Treatment wise we offer IPL, meibomian gland probing, autologous serum eye drops, all prescription dry eye medications, and more. Dr. Abbott also conducts clinical trials and research on dry eye and ocular surface disease.
Open Hours
Monday:Appointment only
Tuesday:Appointment only
Wednesday: Appointment only
Thursday:Appointment only
Friday:Appointment only